Monday, October 14, 2013

Thanks for taking the time to read! Below is our vision for Nexus Portland. For more information about how to support the ministry here, please contact Trevor at 

Nexus Portland
Glorifying Jesus, Loving People, Making Disciples

We are living in a remarkable time in history. Our nation and specifically Portland is in need of the gospel in an incredibly deep way. We all have yet to fully see our deep need for Jesus and His gospel and we are passionate about seeing Jesus’ Kingdom come in Portland. We believe the biblical way for this to happen is through Jesus’ church. Church is not a building- it’s the people of God. The Church is a people whose identity is found in Jesus and are sent out to glorify Him by loving people and making disciples. Jesus is alive! He has invited us to be a part of the greatest redemption story of all time!

Our vision for Portland is to keep planting a church that lives to see lives changed by preaching through the scriptures, authentic gospel-centered community, serving our city well, and having a balanced view of the Holy Spirit/gifts. For this to happen we believe that God is calling us over the next year to take exhilaratingly fearful leaps of faith to see the vision become a reality. It is an incredible time to be a Christian! The need is vast, but our God is greater.

I. What is the vision?

1. Launch a one time per month Sunday night gathering by January 2014 with 20-35 people: We believe that beginning to gather collectively on weekends will help establish our identity as a church, create more opportunities to reach people, and gain momentum.

2. Multiply community groups: We want our neighborhoods throughout Portland being saturated with gospel witnesses: Christians living on mission and intentionally serving people with the prayer that Jesus would save more. Our desire is to see an additional 2-3 community groups [CG’s] started by January.

3. Expand to gathering two times per month by June 2014: By God’s grace as we continue to grow in our influence, the next step is gathering more frequently with the hope of solidifying ourselves as a people and a church for our city.

4. Officially launch Nexus Portland by September of 2014: Jesus is moving, the need and opportunities are great and God has called us to be a church deeply imbedded into our community. Our desire is to be a fully sustainable church by a people committed to God’s mission.

5. Plant another church out of Nexus Portland by 2016:  We’re passionate about seeing the gospel multiplied in our city; therefore, we’re committed to training, sending, and supporting new churches all throughout Portland.

II. What we are asking God for:

1. Raise up and develop disciple-leaders: For the church to thrive, we will invest in developing disciple-leaders to take responsibility of the church and ministry.
2. Raise up 2 community group leaders and host homes by January 2014
3. Provide a meeting space for our Sunday night gatherings
4. Expand our influence within the community by “seeing the need and being the remedy”: We are passionate about reaching: single moms, sex trafficking victims, and orphans.
5. Establish ministries and leaders within the church to help love and serve the body by March 2014: We believe in order to care for more people effectively we need leaders and ministries such as women’s, men’s, children’s, counseling, worship, administration, and community outreach.

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