Hey Readers!
Thanks for taking the time to read- I apologize it’s been MONTHS since my last post. #blogfail. Will try to be better about posting updates. Lots has happened since our last post and I’m excited to fill you all in!
Sunday Services
We are now meeting every Sunday night - we meet once or twice at a rented space - Tabor Space - and the other nights we meet at a home. We just began doing this and so far the transition has gone smoothly. Definitely more to do and more to prepare for but it’s exciting to meeting regularly and feel like a “church.” There’s something special about meeting in a home - cramming in as many people as possible and sitting closely to each other. We have enjoyed it. We plan to continue meeting like this on Sundays through the summer and then reassess locations.
Community Groups
We are taking a break from community groups for the month of July. We can’t believe that we have been doing these groups for a solid year now! Going going going and July brings a much needed rest for Trev and I as we have group at our house on Tuesdays with dinner beforehand. This seemed like the perfect time to break as many are on vacation and we just started meeting regularly on Sundays. We will reconvene in August.
What’s been happenin?
We have had a few events - including a picnic dinner and meeting for dinner at a local grocery store that BBQs during the summer. We are hoping to pack a few more events in before this hot hot summer ends - it’s supposed to be in the 100s this week.. ughhh. I thought we left California because it was too hot??!! Hopefully it cools down soon. But it is a nice break from the rain - and Portland summers are beautiful. It stays light out until 930/10pm which is just unreal.
Prayer requests:
-Direction on a meeting space- as we grow we will need a bigger space and its hard to know the best area since our church is scattered around Portland. Pray for wisdom and guidance to find the right place
-Sabbath - Trev and I needed a month off from community groups and are praying to be refreshed and refueled to start up in August
-Leaders- God has raised up many leaders in our church - we want to see God use them more and more. Pray for opportunities for our leadership to step up and be used.
Thanks so much for reading and thank you for the prayers! We appreciate it very much!
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