Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pray for Portland

Here's a link to the acorn article if you missed it: http://www.thecamarilloacorn.com/news/2013-01-18/Faith/Couple_takes_a_journey_of_faith.html

Update from Trevor:

the time to leave and plant is rapidly approaching us. our plan is to move on march 1. however before we move, there are some things that we’re hoping to get lined up before we officially leave. thankfully Jesus has been so faithful to us and His church thus far, so we have no reason to worry or stress that He will not continue to provide for us now. 

with that said, i wanted to share a few prayer requests and updates as well as let you know about our prayer meeting that we are starting this upcoming sunday. 

I. prayer requests: 

julie and i are heading back to portland february 8-10 for Lord willing one final trip before we move in march. here are three of our prayer requests:

1. we are praying that God would lead us to the neighborhood He would have us start the church. our plan is to start the church in our house. we want to be intentional about reaching out into our community and neighborhood to serve and minister to the people. we are praying that God would provide us a house that would accommodate room for a bible study, room to grow, and parking. we want to be strategic re our location so that we can be most effective to the people God would have us serve.

2. while we are on our trip, we will be having interviews with prospective jobs. both julie and i plan on working jobs outside of starting the church. our prayer is that God would provide us with jobs that will be flexible enough for us to spend enough time investing in the church plant. 

3. portland is a great city, and is in desperate need for the gospel. currently, oregon is the least religious state in the country, with portland as the main collection of the diversity and differences in religion. we are praying and trusting that Jesus has called us to make a difference in the lives of people for His glory. we’re praying as well that God would help us to be faithful to what He’s called us to do despite it being hard. we have a huge burden for the people of portland, specifically those who are young and searching for something more then themselves. 

II. prayer meeting: 

we are convinced that the best thing we can do to affect change for Jesus is to pray. we are going to have a prayer meeting every sunday night during february. the prayer meeting will be at the lewis campus from 6pm-630 in the energy lounge. we welcome anyone to come out and plead to God on behalf of the people of portland to do a great work for His glory.  we will be transitioning to our nexus @ night service after the prayer meeting. the service is a bit different then a normal sunday am service. there is extended times of worship and prayer, along with studying the scriptures. 

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