Monday, March 18, 2013

Trying to be an introvert in downtown Portland

For those of you who know me, I really like to read books and have 'just me and the Lord' time. The last couple of weeks have been exceedingly busy and hectic, to say the least!  I spent most of the morning working at Peet's on the various church plant things that have to be done.  After doing that for some hours, I wanted to explore downtown a bit more.  There is a beautiful park type of area that runs along the Columbia River with great views and peaceful benches.  The weather was beautiful out today!  No rain, not to cold, and a comfortable breeze; seemed like a great chance to take a book, pen, and my journal and spend some time reading and reflecting next to the river.

However, God had a different plan…  After spending some time chatting with someone from home, I began walking back to my car.  While I was walking I saw a great look out spot to take a picture of one of the many bridges in Portland.  During my walk over to the spot, I saw a young gal who was dressed in a sort of 'grunge' type of outfit, and she had green hair.  Sensing the Spirit tugging on my heart to talk to her, I walked over and introduced myself.  Came to find out that, she, for a lack of better terms is a Buddhist.  We had a great conversation about the realities of God and the absolute truth of the scriptures, as well as God's passionate love for us!  So much so that He sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins to provide forgiveness and guarantee of eternal life with Him!  To be sure, this was the first time she had ever heard the gospel clearly presented to her!  The conversation ended with me telling her that i'd be praying for her, and that I was sure God wanted to save her and be in relationship her with!  She was gracious and said thank you!  Seemed like the Spirit was moving in her.

As I was walking back to my car, I was praying and thanking God for bringing me there and giving me the opportunity to witness to her.  

Then, as i was 20 feet from my car, I heard a commotion!  Two middle aged guys, yelling, cussing, and getting ready to get into a UFC fist fight.  No body seemed to really care what was going on; must be common in downtown Portland.  I walked across the street and began walking towards them.  After watching this unfold for a few seconds, I saw a women trying to get in between them to break it up.  I walked over to help and break up the fight.  Turned out the women was 8 months pregnant and the wife of one of the men who was in the altercation.  The wife, myself, and the other guy walked down the street together.  I had the opportunity to talk with both of them, sharing that I am a pastor and wanted to help.  After everyone calmed down, we prayed, the man left, and I spent some time speaking with gal.  

Her and her husband had just moved to Portland.  Life had unfortunately hit them very hard. Since they've been in Portland, they have been living on the streets.  As she spoke about being 8 months pregnant and homeless, my heart broke for them!  We spoke for a bit longer and i did my best to encourage her and tell her that I would do whatever I could to help. 

All that to say, my 'plan' was to be alone and spend time reading and writing.  However, none of that happened!  Portland is a spiritually dark city and in desperate need of the gospel!  In hindsight, i'm so thankful that God gave me the opportunity to be the church to the several people in Portland today.  I strongly believe that God is and will continue do a work here to draw people to Himself; for His glory!!


1 comment:

  1. Dear Julianne and Trevor,
    Your mother shared your blog with me and I just want to encourage you today. Your steps that are guided by HIM will continue to daily show you HIS plan. We pray for you here at Joni and Friends and are grateful to be a part of your ministry.
    Jean Kingery
